
All About Sexually Transmitted Infections - STIs

May 09, 2023 Chlamydia


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are a common concern for those looking to protect their sexual health. While talking about sex isn’t the taboo subject it once was, there is still a lack of understanding about STIs. This blog post looks at what STIs are, how to guard against them and when to seek help. 


What is an STI?

An STI is a Sexually Transmitted Infection. This is contracted through sexual intercourse or oral sex. An STI can be a bacterial infection or a virus. Gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia, for example, are bacterial and you would be prescribed antibiotics. Herpes and HIV and viral infections. Treatments vary but antivirals might be suggested.


Why Don’t We Call Them Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Now?

In the past infections such as chlamydia were known as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and Venereal Disease (VD). It is only recently that the term STI has been used as this is more relevant. These are infections, not diseases and sexual health is considered and dealt with differently these days.


Common Symptoms of an STI

Sexually transmitted infections vary in how they present. Some common symptoms include:


  • Pain when urinating 
  • Usual discharge
  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Sore or blister around the genital areas
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Warts around the genitals or around the mouth


It’s important to remember that sometimes no obvious symptoms are present. This doesn’t mean you are STI-free.


Guarding Against Sexually Transmitted Infections

One of the best ways of reducing your risk of contracting an STI is to be aware of the risks. 


STI Awareness

Anyone can catch an STI if they are having unprotected sex. Unprotected sex means without the use of a barrier method such as a condom. While methods such as the contraceptive pill are effective against unplanned pregnancies they offer no protection against sexually transmitted infections. 

Sexually transmitted infections are transmitted during sexual intercourse and via oral sex. Not everyone realises that oral sex also puts you or your partner at risk. It is important to know that so that you can take precautions.


Talking About Sexual Health

Talking to your partner and getting tested prior to engaging in unprotected sex is important. Some people can have a delay in symptoms or have no symptoms at all but still carry an infection. Starting a relationship with a clean bill of health before choosing to drop barrier methods is a great way to mitigate the risks.


Sexual Health Support at Simply Meds Online 

Here at Simply Meds Online, we offer a range of products geared towards sexual health, from lubrication to condoms. All of our orders are shipped directly to your door in discreet packaging. If you are sexually active it may be worth making sure you have the sexual protection products you need to hand.


Advice and Support for Sexual Health

Your local sexual health clinic or your GP is a great source of information and advice for those wanting to know more about STIs and how to protect themselves. Remember that these are professionals who have seen it all and so won’t be shocked by any questions or symptoms. It is always best to check and get advice before finding yourself in an unwanted situation.


In Conclusion - Sexually Transmitted Infections

Being proactive when it comes to your sexual health is the best way to avoid an STI. Communicate with sexual partners, use the services available (for free) to get yourself tested and use barrier methods until you are sure that you and your partner are safe. 

If you have any concerns about your sexual health please see your GP or visit your local clinic.

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