
Hair Loss In Men: Everything You Need To Know

Mar 29, 2022 Hair Loss

Hair Loss In Men: Everything You Need To Know

Hair loss in men is a common condition that can affect self-esteem as well as cause concern. We’ve answered all the most common questions about male hair loss including the causes of male hair loss and the top hair loss treatment for men.


What is Male Hair Loss?

Male pattern hair loss is very common and occurs in men of all ages. It is generally caused by genes and male sex hormones. Male pattern hair loss is not an illness it is just a normal part of life it is also known as androgenetic alopecia Hair grows in three yearly cycles so hair loss occurs over a period of time.  Normal male pattern baldness is perfectly natural and not a threat to health in any way.  However for some men hair loss results in negative thoughts, depression and low self-esteem.  They, therefore, need to try as many ways to trigger hair growth. Older men generally accept it as a normal part of ageing while young men can find it devastating. Androgenetic alopecia is another name for male pattern baldness.  

Hair loss generally follows a similar pattern in all men.  It is caused by a sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone which shortens the growth cycle of hair follicles. Hair loss is not a life-threatening condition or an illness.  You don’t have to do anything about it if you are happy with the way you look. However, if hair loss is causing you great distress there are ways to disguise it or slow down the process.

Men tend to progressively lose hair with plateaus where there is hardly any loss at all.  Most hair loss follows the same pattern until it eventually stops. Very few men end up completely bald and tend to shave rogue pieces of hair. 


Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is hair loss that is very common in middle-aged men.  Younger men also suffer from male pattern baldness.  Hair loss occurs because of too much testosterone and the hair follicles are weakened by the hormone testosterone.

Male pattern baldness normally starts at the temples and spreads backwards.  Normally the hair is left around the ears and the top of the neck.  Men rarely become totally bald and often choose to shave the remaining hair off.   Hair tends to get thinner all over in a distinctive pattern. This type of hair loss is likely to be due to genetics and runs in families.  


What Causes Male Hair Loss?

Hair loss tends to run in families so if your male relatives have lost their hair you are likely to lose yours. It is a genetic condition caused by the production of Dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) which is a byproduct of Testosterone. The DHT attaches itself to the follicles of your hair and causes it to shrink. DHT weakens the hair follicle causing it to grow back wispier during every hair growth cycle.  Hair becomes thinner all over and recedes often forming an island of hair on the top of the head. 

Hair loss is not a life-threatening condition but can cause psychological damage.   It is also not generally a sign of an underlying health condition - just a natural stage in life.  Lifestyle has an effect on hair loss but genetics plays a much greater role

Hair Loss Without Family History?

Most men have an inkling that they may be susceptible to losing their hair after looking at family members.  Male pattern baldness tends to be hereditary and runs in families. Sometimes men go against family traits and lose hair even if their male relatives don’t. This may be due to the baldness gene skipping a generation or lifestyle choices switching the gene on.

Other causes of hair loss in men

Alopecia is another name for losing your hair.  There are a number of reasons why you may lose hair that is not due to hormones. These include; cancer medication, stress, illness, iron deficiency and weight loss.  If chemotherapy causes hair loss it is likely to grow back again unless the treatment was particularly strong. Thyroid disease, malnutrition, acute stress disorder, syphilis and Lupus cause hair loss.   

Some conditions are treatable resulting in hair regrowth while others cause irreversible damage. If you have sudden hair loss, bald patches, losing clumps of hair, itchy burning scalp or just worry about losing your hair you must contact your doctor.  You may just strike it unlucky and inherit hair loss genes. Individuals with hair loss may choose to try and treat hair loss and attempt regrowth, or they may embrace baldness.

The following health conditions also contribute to thinning hair; alopecia areata, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, stress, lichen planus, Hodgkin's Disease, syphilis and Hashimoto’s disease.  All of these conditions affect hair growth. If you are feeling generally unwell and are losing your hair a visit to the doctor will determine if an underlying health condition is a cause.

Treatment for some illnesses causes thinning hair such as treatment for erectile dysfunction, acne, antibiotics, antidepressants, epileptic medicine and chemotherapy drugs.  Your doctor will inform you if your medication causes hair loss and explain the long-term effects. Sometimes losing your hair is a minor problem if you are seriously ill.

When Can Male Hair Loss Happen?

Male pattern baldness can occur at any age and can cause upset and disappointment. Although it usually affects men in middle age, it can happen at any age and some men suffer male hair loss as young as seventeen years old.

Your hair grows in three-year cycles resulting in hair loss every time the hair grows back. Hair loss occurs either all over causing general thinning or at the temples to cause a receding hairline. The earlier you start losing hair the more aggressive the loss is likely to be

Hair Loss on Keto diet

Some people follow the Keto diet to save their hair while others claim that it causes it to fall out.  The Keto Diet is favoured by bodybuilders because it is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates.  It is a very similar diet to the Atkins Diet and involves changing how your body burns fat. Normally your body burns carbohydrates to generate energy but this is not always a very efficient way to burn fat.  By virtually eliminating carbohydrates from your diet you force your body into a state of ketosis where fat becomes the main fuel.

Extreme changes in your diet cause changes in hair density because your body may not be absorbing the nutrients it needs to be healthy. If you do change your diet and are noticing thinning hair chances are the diet is causing your problems and not male pattern baldness. Diet-related hair loss is remedied by eating a balanced healthy diet. Male pattern baldness is not life-threatening but can cause emotional discomfort.  If you have any concerns about the reason for your thinning hair contact your doctor for advice.

The negative effects of hair loss

Men who suffer early hair loss can suffer low self-esteem and a negative self-image, while older men can get upset because it is an indication that they are getting old. It is very understandable how hair loss can make you unhappy especially when your hair becomes wispy and you are tempted to have a comb-over.  You can either embrace your hair loss or have treatment.


When To See A Doctor About Hair Loss? 

If you are suffering hair loss that is having a detrimental effect on your life you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss hair loss treatment.

As well as this, if you suddenly experience hair loss for no apparent reason visit your doctor to identify the cause. Any type of hair loss causes men to feel self-conscious and worry about their appearance. The NHS offer advice to help you better understand your hair loss. Although there is no definitive cure for male pattern baldness, it is possible to stall the process through medication

Can Hair Loss Be Prevented?

Hair Loss is one of those things that are inevitable in a man’s life.  Our ancestors tried all sorts of concoctions to prevent it with very little success. Your genes determine whether you lose your hair or not so finding a way to prevent it is certainly a challenge.  In the past, con men sold Snake Oil to desperate men to help them grow their hair back. Thankfully we have a greater understanding of the causes and there is treatment available to halt it and slow it down. 

Can Hair Loss Stop By itself?

If the cause is due to health reasons hair may regrow once the condition is under control.

Hair Loss Treatment For Men

If snake oil, doesn’t appeal to you, a hair transplant or taking a hair loss medication may be the preferred option.  Hair loss treatments include the DHT hormone, which can reverse the effects of mild hair loss and in some cases hair can grow back.  This treatment only works if there is a significant amount of hair left.  If you stop taking this medication you will continue to lose hair.   

These are two drugs used to treat male pattern hair loss.  They work by lowering the amount of DHT in the body.  This stops the hair follicles from being weakened and maintains hair growth.  You can only use them if you have mild to moderate hair loss. A five-year clinical study found that 90% of the participants did not suffer from hair loss during the duration of the trial. 

Most men don’t encounter any side effects while others may experience; impotence, low sex drive and problems ejaculating.  When you stop taking these treatments your hair loss will continue as before because they are not a permanent cure.  Permanent hair loss treatment is still a breakthrough waiting to happen


Finasteride is used to treat male pattern hair loss.  Its commercial name is Propecia and is also available in generic form.  It works by lowering the dihydrotestosterone in your bloodstream to prevent further hair loss. This allows the hair follicles to strengthen and hair growth to resume as normal.

It is not a permanent solution and must be taken continuously otherwise you will continue to lose your hair. It also doesn’t always work for everyone. The side effects may include loss of libido and erectile dysfunction which could discourage some from using it.  The hair on the rest of your body will not be affected and will continue to grow normally.  


Hair loss can have a detrimental effect on mental health. Some men find losing their hair so upsetting that they don’t want to leave the house. Counselling and talk therapy can help you to come to terms with your hair loss and change the way you feel about it.  

Hairpieces And Wigs

Hairpieces and wigs have become increasingly popular in recent years among both men and women to cover up hair loss and improve self-esteem. They are much more natural than they used to be and are so realistic that nobody would be able to tell that you are wearing one. A weave is similar to a hairpiece but is attached to your remaining hair.  The advantages are that you can swim, shower and act as if it is the same as your natural hair.  Weaves can cause damage to hair by breaking and weakening the strands so this is not a long-term solution due to hair damage.

Hair Transplant

The procedure involves transplanting healthy hair follicles into areas where hair is no longer growing, such as the temples and crown.  It is an expensive treatment that may not always work. This is a popular option for celebrities for example Elton John opted for a hair transplant after spending many years battling negative feelings about baldness.  Wayne Rooney, James Nesbit, Lewis Walsh and Gordon Ramsay have all had hair transplants. 

Hair Styles

Clever hairdressers can style your hair so that it distracts attention from your thinning hairline. Comb-overs really just don’t do anything except make wonderful material for comedy clips.  If you make the hair you have got look great your hair loss won’t be as noticeable.


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