
How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally

Mar 15, 2023 Sleep Aid


Did you know that most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to feel well-rested? This is average, with some people needing a little less or more but generally, this should be your goal.

Easier said than done for some people.

We've all had nights when we’ve struggled to fall asleep or we wake up during the night and can’t drift back off. A lack of sleep can affect us both physically and mentally, so it's important to get enough relaxing sleep for your needs.

Here at Simply Meds Online, we offer tried and tested tips for how to sleep better at night naturally, as well as over-the-counter sleep aid treatments that can help.


Top Tips for a Better Sleep Routine

More often than not, struggling to fall asleep or enjoy a restful night naturally can be something fairly easily dealt with. It may be your environment or your routine that needs tweaking a little. These tips can often help.

  • Plan to keep a consistent sleep schedule seven days a week. By this, we mean going to bed and waking up/getting up at the same time every day. This can make a significant difference after your system has had a chance to adapt to the new and regular routine.

  • Exercise is great for sleep. Plan to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. This is good for your general health as well as sleep. Exercise could be a brisk walk, it doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym every day.

  • Avoid screens and bright lights before bed. They are known to lower melatonin production. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps you to drift off to sleep. That means putting your phone away too. No scrolling before bed.

  • Avoid large meals, alcohol, and caffeine close to bedtime. They can disrupt your sleep. Eat earlier in the evening or opt for a lighter meal.

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine that works for you. A shower or listening to calming music can help you unwind. Some people swear by lavender products before bed, for example, pillow spray or similar.

  • Check that your bedroom is cool, dark, and free of bothersome noise. The right environment can make a big difference when it comes to promoting high-quality sleep.

  • Try relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or a warm bath before bed. They can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. There are a number of apps that can help you drift off and enjoy a restful night.

  • If you can't sleep, get out of bed and do a quiet activity (no screens) until you feel sleepy. Then return to bed. Lying awake in bed can make insomnia worse.

These are all great tips but as with everything, what works for some people may not work for others.


Other Causes of Ongoing Sleep Issues

Most of the time struggling to get a good night's sleep can be short-lived or easily remedied with sleep routine tips like the above. Depending on the root cause, more help and support may be needed, particularly if your lack of sleep is caused by sleep apnea or anxiety/stress. If you are concerned about your sleep patterns and are tired throughout the day have a word with your GP.


Natural Sleep Aids From Simply Meds Online

For short-term sleep issues or those wanting to enhance their rest naturally, we stock a number of natural sleep aids which may be worth exploring.

Kalms offers a herbal-based and natural sleep remedy to help with temporary sleep issues. Kalms One contains Valerian Root which works as a natural sedative of sorts, helping you to nod off.

Sominex Herbal tablets contain both Valerian and Passion Flower powder, designed to help calm and relax you, helping to achieve a restful night. Perfect if you are struggling with short-term insomnia for whatever reason, including jet lag.

Nytol Herbal Elixir and Nytol Herbal Tablets are other options for those wanting to try a more traditional and natural aid to help with a restless night and trouble nodding off.


What About CBD? 

CBD oil and edible products are often still misunderstood, despite being commonly found in the UK. It’s worth remembering that CBD is not the same as “weed”. CBD is natural and comes from the same plant as THC which is the compound that gives you a high. CBD products are not the same as THC-containing products (which are currently illegal in the UK). Why do we mention this? Some people highly rate CBD for sleep issues. Take a look at the Simply Meds Online CBD range.


Vitamins for Great Sleep

According to the National Institutes for Health, there is growing evidence that vitamin D can play an important part in regulating sleep. That means that being deficient in vitamin D may cause sleep issues. Similarly, magnesium can help to boost vitamin D levels. If you aren’t already, it may be worth considering a daily multivitamin containing both of these if you want to make sure you have all the relaxing sleep-related nutrients your body needs.


How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally - In Conclusion

Sleep aids can help with insomnia and are available OTC and through a pharmacist. If, however, your insomnia is longer lasting, the above tips and tricks have not helped and/or it’s having a negative impact on your life it is wise to speak to your GP.

Please ensure that when you take any medication or remedy, including over-the-counter products you read the instructions carefully and get advice if you are taking other medication or have a medical condition that may mean they are unsuitable for you. Your pharmacist will be happy to advise.

Hopefully, this blog post has been useful and you’ll soon be enjoying a much-improved sleep routine and waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

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