
Lockdown 2.1

Nov 25, 2020 NHS Medications

There has never been a better time to shop online for your essentials than now. With increasing restrictions and higher rates of COVID infections it’s more important to prevent transmission now than ever before. Transmission rates have been higher now than they were during the first lockdown, more than 3 times as many people are getting coronavirus now than they were at the beginning of the first lockdown back at the last peak in April.

Government is making social interactions stricter after Boris Johnson introduced a 3-tiered system which came into force last month.  This was then tightened further to a national lockdown, and next week we are set to go back into a tiered system. Boris Johnson has said this will be a stricter tiered system than the last one we were in.

The rules for the next restrictions are as follows.




  • Rule of six – indoors and outdoors
  • Closure of hospitality at 11pm
  • Spectators allowed at sporting and live events with limited numbers

2 - HIGH

  • Rule of six outdoors only – no mixing indoors
  • Closure of hospitality at 11pm
  • Alcohol only served as part of a meal
  • Spectators allowed at sporting and live events with limited numbers


  • No mixing of households indoors including private gardens – can meet in public places
  • Closure of hospitality – no pubs/restaurants open except for takeaway
  • Guidance against travelling in and out of the area


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As you can see there are still various restrictions put in place, and they look to stay in place until next year. This means that if there are things we can do to help reduce interaction with other people then we should take the necessary steps. This includes things like shopping.

With an increased level of social distancing people still need their essentials and medications. Although Pharmacies are open some may not feel comfortable to go out and shop especially in the harsher winter weather. It’s easier to queue up outside when the weather is pleasant but nobody likes waiting in the rain and cold.

Shopping online reduces risk as it means you don’t need to go outside unless for essentials that you need right away. Here at Simply Meds we have a dedicated pharmacy shop selling all your pharmacy essentials from Calpol to Deep Heat patches. We have made it easy to shop with us even offering a same day delivery service if you fall within our selected areas.

Gone are the days where you need to leave your home to get that packet of paracetamol or your quit smoking aid. Even more recently we have eliminated the need for you to queue up outside in the cold weather just to get in to your pharmacy essentials.


B.V Nov 20

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