
This is Why You’re Still Getting Hay Fever Symptoms When You’re Staying Indoors

May 05, 2020 Hay Fever / Allergies

As a nation, we’re spending more time indoors than ever before, self-isolating in our respective homes – so why are we still suffering with hay fever?

Many have started to feel the presence of a stuffy nose and itchy eyes already, and with the pollen count set to soar over the Summer, symptoms will only get worse, and likely last for longer.

‘You may think you are safe from hay fever because you are in the comfort of your own home, but this doesn’t mean you won’t suffer with your usual allergies,’ says Parvinder Sagoo, Lead Pharmacist and Clinical Advisor at SimplyMeds.

Although you probably already know that you’re more likely to experience a reaction during your daily exercise, Parvinder notes that ‘pollen particles are tiny and can travel far and wide’, and when you’re out walking, you’re likely bringing them back into the house, where they can affect you further.

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