
Tired of Taking Tablets for Your Pain? Try Our External Pain Relief Options

Aug 24, 2022 Pain Relief

Pain comes in many different forms, for different reasons and the effect can be short-term, mid and long-term.  This can include everything from period pain and headaches to osteoarthritis and similar ongoing and degenerative conditions. On top of this, everyone has a different tolerance to pain. 

What’s the answer? Painkillers such as Nuromol are an effective way to manage a lot of instances of pain but for those looking for something other than prescription meds i.e. external pain relief options, there are options available. 


Common Conditions That Cause Pain


Pain can come and go regularly, occasionally or be present the majority of the time. It all depends on the cause. Thankfully, as well as prescription remedies, there are other ways to relieve or lessen pain. What works best for you will depend on a variety of factors which is why having pain relief choices available is important.


Headache Pain


Headaches can be caused by many things including tiredness, stress, eye strain and even medical issues such as high blood pressure. Migraines are on another level to headaches in terms of severity and what helps to reduce or relieve them.

4head cutaneous stick

The longer-term solution is to remove or lessen triggers, i.e getting your eyes tested, having your blood pressure checked or considering stress-relief methods. Short term, there are many ways to feel better when headaches strike. The 4Head Cutaneous Stick, for example, utilises a handy stick with levomenthol (the main ingredient in Peppermint) which can relax you but also stimulates blood vessels when applied directly to the point of pain which sends signals to the brain. Very clever and for many people, very effective. 


Help With Period Pain 

Period pain is no joke and some women struggle for days with discomfort and pain regularly. Heat, from hot water bottles to heating pads has been known to offer significant comfort, as has a hot bath. Some, however, swear by cold relief, i.e. ice packs. It can be a case of trial and error to find the best solution for your needs. These Aero hot-cold packs which come with a cover could be worth considering. Pain relief pads are also something to consider for ongoing pain relief.


Muscle and Joint Pain Relief


There are many causes of muscle and joint pain, from injury to ongoing medical issues. Depending on advice, light exercise such as yoga or for others, pilates, or stretching and walking can help. For others using a product such as the Nurofen Medicated Plaster, an external *ibuprofen-containing plaster that is applied directly to the area of pain can be an effective way to reduce discomfort or pain due. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The effects of a pain relief solution like Nurofen pads can last up to 24 hours too.

*Please read and keep the instruction leaflet that comes with any medicated external pain relief solution. It will indicate whether it is suitable for you and when not to take it, i.e. alongside other NSAID medications.


Arthritic conditions


Arthritic conditions are a common cause of short-term and long-term pain. These solutions are certainly not an exhaustive list. Finding the best non-medical pain relief option can take time. Your GP/pain management team will be able to advise on the best alternatives to painkillers for your specific needs. Many of these external pain relief methods help with joint paint and contain anti-inflammatory properties.


Topical Pain Relief


Active ingredients applied directly to areas of pain can be an effective and accessible method of pain relief when you don’t want to take painkillers. Always check the ingredients to ensure that the topical product you have chosen is suitable and won’t interact with any other medications you may take.  

Gels, such as FlexiSEQ can be a fast-acting and easy-to-use external pain relief remedy. For joint pain, this product can offer relief when needed. Here at Simply Meds Online, we stock numerous creams, ointments, and gels that have been formulated to reduce pain and discomfort in mind, including the popular Voltarol brand.


Targeted Pain Relief


According to the NHS, “Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current.” - It is known to be highly effective as an external pain relief option and can be used by many people for everything from pregnancy/labour pain to sports injuries, arthritis and more.

Tens Pen

TENS machines come in different shapes and sizes yet all work in much the same way to offer external pain relief safely and conveniently. The Careway Pain Relief Digital Tens delivers relief via soft gel pads. The  Paingone pen, a tenspen, is a more mobile solution, as it is the size of a pen and can be taken with you wherever you need to go. Paingone offers relief in as little as sixty seconds and this handy pain relief pen can be used through clothing.




Pharmaceutical pain relief isn’t for everyone. For some people with chronic conditions, taking painkillers regularly can be something they wish to avoid. There are also instances when painkillers aren’t suitable. For others, supplementing medications with other pain relief methods can be the best way to create a personalised pain management regime for themselves. Topical pain relief, as well as targeted pain relief, can be very effective and work alongside other pain relief routines, such as light exercise. 

If you are struggling with high levels of pain or ongoing issues please see your GP. Similarly, remember that alternative pain relief options can be complementary and therefore it is not advised to stop existing pain relief prescriptions without seeking advice first.  

If you are in doubt about whether the ingredients in any of the topical products available are suitable for you, especially if you are already on medications, our pharmacists would be happy to advise.

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