
Top Products to Help you Cope with Peri-Menopause and Menopause

Sep 26, 2022 Women's Health

According to the British Menopause Society, which supports World Menopause Day 2022, it’s important to remember that there is “no one size fits all solution” to dealing with perimenopause and menopause. Everyone’s experiences can be different, from when it starts to the symptoms they might experience.   

With this in mind, we’ve covered a lot of information about menopause in general but encourage you to find treatment and support that works for your individual needs. Thankfully menopause is not the taboo subject it once was (no, we don’t get it either) so there is a lot more understanding and support available. 


What is Peri-Menopause and Menopause


Menopause occurs when your periods stop altogether and you are considered to have reached this point after your periods have been absent for twelve months. Peri-menopause is the time leading up to menopause when you might have menopausal symptoms but haven’t reached menopause. Menopause tends to occur between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five but there is no set timeline. It can happen earlier or later, either naturally or as a result of certain treatments, i.e. some cancer treatment.

Once your periods have stopped due to menopause you are no longer able to conceive without intervention as you no longer ovulate.


What are the Symptoms of Menopause


There is a range of symptoms associated with menopause. Some women will experience few, others might experience many. The severity and frequency of many of these can vary too.

Physical symptoms include, but are not limited to:


  • Period changes - Irregular, missing, heavier or lighter than usual periods, leading up to them stopping altogether

  • A reduced sex drive

  • Weight gain

  • Sleep disruption

  • Palpitations - Being more aware of your heartbeat

  • Hot flushes or flashes - Suddenly feeling very hot, especially in your face, neck and chest areas

  • Dizziness - Often associated with the hot flushes

  • Aches and pains

  • Increased or new headaches

  • Vaginal changes - These include dryness, itchiness and pain or discomfort during intercourse. A product like Vagisan moisturising cream can be useful.


As well as physical symptoms there may be mental ones too, including increased anxiety, mood swings, low mood and problems concentrating. This is often referred to as brain fog. 

This is quite the collection of menopausal symptoms. Again, menopause looks and feels different to everyone.


Am I Menopausal?


How do you know whether you are menopausal?  Menopause rapid test kits such as the Suresign menopause tests check for the presence of FSH. When FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is elevated this can be a indicator for menopause.

When levels are high and periods have been absent for over twelve months it is generally considered that menopause has been reached. Using a FSH kit can be a good place to start if you are unsure and the results are something to discuss with your GP who may wish to initiate tests.


Menopause Self-Care - Being Proactive

Lifestyle Changes


There are a number of lifestyle changes that you can make to help during both peri-menopause and menopause. These include looking after your general health and wellbeing, getting plenty of rest including working to maintain a positive sleep routine and making changes to your diet. Foods higher in calcium are recommended to promote good bone health and increasing exercise can help with weight gain as well as your mental wellbeing. The NHS has more advice about things you can do to help with menopause.


Supplement Support for Menopause 


Some women opt for targeted supplements in addition to making lifestyle changes.  

Menopause Original tablets and Cleamarine Menomin capsules both offer nutritional support that has been specially formulated with peri-menopausal and menopausal women in mind. Both offer easy to take and efficient supplement support that can fit easily into your daily self-care routine. 

Vaginal unbalance causing drying, discomfort and similar issues are also something some women look for support with. Optibac Intimate Flora for Women contains friendly bacteria that targets intimate areas, offering relief from many of the vaginal and urinary tract concerns that can happen to women at any time but particularly leading up to and during menopause.  

Please speak to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any complementary medicines, supplements or treatments. Always read the enclosed advice before starting anything new.


Prescription Medication for Menopause (HRT)

The most common prescribed medication for menopause is HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. As the name suggests, HRT helps to boost the hormone levels, namely oestrogen, that is depleted during and after menopause. There are various types of HRT and which type and what dose is best, is something that your health care teams will help with. HRT is an ongoing medication that can be prescribed after a discussion with your doctor. You can find out more about menopause treament from the NHS website.


In Conclusion


Peri-menopause and menopause can be challenging which is why awareness, understanding and support are key. This year, the theme for World Menopause Day 2022 is cognition and mood. These are both something that some women do struggle with during menopause. Insightful information as well as tips and recommendations from others in the same situation, as well as experts in the field can be incredibly helpful.  

There is a lot of support available these days, both online and off. Your GP can help medically but also signpost you to local and national groups and towards other support that can help with any challenges you might face.  

Do contact your healthcare team if you believe you are experiencing menopause or if any of your symptoms increase or become difficult. They are there to help.

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